
August News at Trunk Trainers

  Welcome to August! It’s time to celebrate all of the bounty brought to us by our local farmers. So this month think about increasing your fruit and vegetable consumption. Aim for 5 to 10 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day!  To make it easier to figure out what you like and don’t like try using our favorite fruits and vegetables worksheet. Almost 100 options to choose from to select your favorite 50. See if you can try them all at least once. Remember, a diverse consumption of plant foods increases your microbiome and helps with digestion. So eat up! Going along with our Fruits and Vegetables Challenge is a fun list of workouts for you featuring some of our favorites fruits and veggies, along with other ways to interact with the outdoors. Let's enjoy the nice weather while it lasts! We will be releasing new workouts throughout the month so you have fresh exercise ideas all month long. Subscribe to our Trunk Trainers YouTube channel , so you never miss! Need m

Fitness Freedom Month is Here!

Happy July 1st!! This month always means freedom to me.  Independence Day kicks off early and it's hard not to appreciate our freedom of choice this time of year. Plus, this July 1st in particular is not only the beginning of a new month, but also the beginning of the week, quarter and second half of the year! What a great time to start or re-start your fitness routine.  We always go back to getting in our fitness because when you have a healthy body, it means you get to do more in life. When we move regularly we strengthen the body, make it more flexible, recover quicker from illness and injury and just feel better due to the hormone regulation that comes with exercise.  Is your routine what you'd like it to be? Would you like to improve in any areas? This is a great time to think about that as we head into the second half of the year so you can has as much body freedom as possible by putting forth just a little bit of effort in the right areas. We also wanted to share a few

May at Trunk Trainers!

 Happy May Day everyone!💐💐💐 This Month in Motion We have a lot in store for you this month. Our workouts will be centered around flowers, mothers and heros as we celebrate May day, Mother's Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day and Memorial Day. We can't wait for our special Mother's Day series beginning May 8th and concluding on Mother's Day.  We're building our Annual Workout Calendar, with 12-15 workouts per month themed to the time of the year. Our hope is to inspire fun, creative workouts designed for beginners to the advanced that are safe and effective for the whole family! We release three workouts per week, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel Trunk Trainers: Be Elefit so you never miss a workout! Otherwise, we won't be doing it again until next year!!  We want to help 1M families exercise by 2035, so hop in now and be amongst the first to get fit with us! Here's the lineup that will be released throughout the month of May: The May Day Workout

The Blue Zones Project at Trunk Trainers

It was a busy month for us at Trunk Trainers! We are so proud to announce that we are the  latest official  Blue Zones Project Participating Organization in the state of Hawaii! What is the Blue Zones Project ? It's a world-wide movement created and lead by National Geographic fellow Dan Buettner that began over 20 years ago. It examines the habits and environments of centenarians  found in high concentrations in certain  regions of the world. These areas were dubbed Blue Zones after the map Dan was tracking 100 plus year olds on with a blue pen became saturated with blue ink in some areas. The Project strives to replicate patterns from those areas to create a place where living longer while enjoying good health happens naturally. Buettner found there were similarities in the behaviors of the centenarians in the Blue Zones of Okinawa, Japan, Ikaria, Greece, Sardinia, Spain, Nicoya, Costa Rica and Loma Linda, California, like moving naturally, connecting with others, having a purpo

The Best Way to Start it Up!

 More than ever before, people are ready to jump back into a fitness routine. And that means Fitness Assessments are in order! Although the pandemic isn't quite over, we have learned to navigate life with safety precautions that allow more freedom to get back to some of the regular activities that were put on hold so abruptly. We couldn't be more thrilled to see the readiness in our community to jump in. And we're here to help! Sometimes it takes a solid reason to commit to a start date for your new fitness routine. You also need to know where you're starting from, because believe us...almost everyone is back to square one. 10-35+ lbs gained, low back and knee issues from all of the sitting, and zapped energy levels from less than perfect diets.  There might be a little hesitation to know what to do or where to start. That's why we are offering Complimentary Fitness Assessments to anyone who wants to check in with a trainer. It's our duty to be available to our

Exercise Excuses-Busted!

Here at Trunk Trainers we're the excuse busters when it comes to reasons why you can't exercise. Check out 5 major reasons exercise can get sidelined in life, and solutions to help you overcome them. Excuse #1: I don't have time to exercise. Solution: Get an exercise bike, elliptical, or gym membership where you have access to a bike or elliptical and only read, watch TV, talk on the phone, or use social media ONLY while moving. These activities can all be done on a stationary bike or elliptical. You won't fall off and you don't need your hands so you can mindlessly binge watch the Great British Baking Show without getting hurt. Any exercise is better than nothing, and tying your new exercise habit to an old sedentary one will help you get moving daily. Of course, you could also schedule in your 60 minutes a day on your calendar and just prioritize your exercise into your must do's in life. I promise, you WILL find the time if it's a priority. Excuse #2: No

What it means to Be Elefit...

  At Trunk Trainers, our brand of fitness is Elefitness.  But what does it mean to Be Elefit? Being Elefit is a lifestyle really. One that includes all aspects of health and wellbeing. It's based on our four pillars of the Elefit Lifestyle which include exercising 1 hour per day doing something you enjoy, eating a whole food plant based diet, resting until recovered, and putting family first. Being Elefit also means having healthy vital statistics. This includes having blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol levels, Body Mass Index, Weight, Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Visceral Fat and Waist Circumference in healthy ranges for your age. To do with without medication if possible with lifestyle reform is an Elefit bonus. Being Elefit means living life to the fullest. Making plans. Having goals. Looking for personal growth around every corner and going on Awesome Adventures. Not letting fear or lack of information be an excuse to let our dreams slip away. Why Be Elefit? To maximize your