What it means to Be Elefit...


At Trunk Trainers, our brand of fitness is Elefitness. 

But what does it mean to Be Elefit?

Being Elefit is a lifestyle really. One that includes all aspects of health and wellbeing. It's based on our four pillars of the Elefit Lifestyle which include exercising 1 hour per day doing something you enjoy, eating a whole food plant based diet, resting until recovered, and putting family first.

Being Elefit also means having healthy vital statistics. This includes having blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol levels, Body Mass Index, Weight, Body Fat, Muscle Mass, Visceral Fat and Waist Circumference in healthy ranges for your age. To do with without medication if possible with lifestyle reform is an Elefit bonus.

Being Elefit means living life to the fullest. Making plans. Having goals. Looking for personal growth around every corner and going on Awesome Adventures. Not letting fear or lack of information be an excuse to let our dreams slip away.

Why Be Elefit? To maximize your potential in this life and enjoy yourself without preventable pain, disease and lack of energy. Of course, there are so many uncontrollable circumstances in this lifetime that might make it hard to accomplish this. We know that. But many of life's misfortunes...being on insulin forever because you were never taught to eat right, never being able to get on and off the floor to play with grandkids because your core and joints have become deconditioned, staying out of the ocean because your balance is gone...with the proper training program and adherence to that program so many of these instances can be remedied.

That is why I built a program to help you live life to it's fullest. To go after big goals and stay motivated. To have a community who believes in realistic and regular fitness practices that are wholesome, healthy and sustainable.

And the best part?

It's not extreme. It's actually quite easy once you know what to do, and carve out time to do it. But you must make your health your priority, and remember why you want to Be Elefit.

So are you in?

You don't have to be perfect. We are all works in progress. You do need to decide to make a commitment to yourself. That's why we have the Elefit Manifesto and Declaration.

Comment down below if the Elefit Lifestyle is the life you want to live. Make your Declaration. And Be Elefit with us! Stay tuned for more ways to Live Elefit and thrive.

A Hui Ho,

Coach Kelsie Wehren

Trunk Trainers, Founder


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