Exercise Excuses-Busted!
Here at Trunk Trainers we're the excuse busters when it comes to reasons why you can't exercise. Check out 5 major reasons exercise can get sidelined in life, and solutions to help you overcome them.
Excuse #1: I don't have time to exercise.
Solution: Get an exercise bike, elliptical, or gym membership where you have access to a bike or elliptical and only read, watch TV, talk on the phone, or use social media ONLY while moving. These activities can all be done on a stationary bike or elliptical. You won't fall off and you don't need your hands so you can mindlessly binge watch the Great British Baking Show without getting hurt. Any exercise is better than nothing, and tying your new exercise habit to an old sedentary one will help you get moving daily.
Of course, you could also schedule in your 60 minutes a day on your calendar and just prioritize your exercise into your must do's in life. I promise, you WILL find the time if it's a priority.
Excuse #2: No money for exercise.
Solution: Great news...exercise is free! But seriously, sometimes that subscription to your favorite fitness program, hiring a personal trainer, or getting a piece of fitness equipment can make exercising easier and help you stick with it due to the added accountability.
Try this: take the money you invest in self-medicating, like your wine or bar budget, cigarettes, fast food, chocolate, your shopping budget or cable/TV subscriptions and redirect it towards your fitness budget to hire a trainer or get said exercise bike to put in front of the TV (see Excuse #1). Already on a super tight budget? You can also usually buddy up and split the cost of fitness services or equipment. Use free fitness resources and get outdoors to move that body.
Excuse #3: No support in your lifestyle change.
Solution: Join a group that thinks like you and seek out your support crew. There are people out there that really believe a healthy lifestyle is worth investing in. While you might never be able to get the support you need from your current circle, surround yourself with those who believe taking time to exercise and eating healthy food is worth the effort. People who know that taking a nap to recharge is not being lazy. Who know how important family time is and understands putting family first and the importance of self care.
It can be hard when those closest to you do not support your healthy life choices. Keep moving forward and lead by example. They may or may not come around, but at least you'll have others in your new community to help keep you on track and positively reinforcing your healthy choices.
Excuse #4: You don't know what to do.
Solution: Get educated! Sign up for an online course in fitness education or hire a personal trainer. Even better, sign up to get your Certified Personal Trainer certificate. You don't have to use it for a career, but it can be an even better way to know for sure how to take care of yourself. Be sure to stick to accredited sources and do your homework to make sure you're not falling for a gimmick or fad.
Knowing is half the battle. Once you know, try teaching someone else to go the extra mile.
Excuse #5: No motivation to start or stick with it.
If knowing is half the battle, the other half is taking action and doing what it is you KNOW you should. You can't always wait for motivation to strike. Sometimes you have to start first, then you'll feel the motivation build as you get going.
If you find starting or sticking to a fitness routine is hard, you're not alone. Most people struggle with a regular healthy lifestyle, unless they have accountability in some way. Those who don't become trainers!!
Hire a trainer, find a fitness buddy, or sign up for a fitness challenge to get you started. Try a 5k race, body building competition, dog agility course. Anything to get you motivated to follow a training plan with a goal bigger than just being healthy. The good health will be a biproduct. But only if you follow the plan!
Use these fitness solutions to help you get back on track and fool-proof your exercise routine. Set your self up for success by evaluating where you might make excuses, then bust them! Find help if you need it, get fit educated, and realize asking for help is smart...not showing weakness or that you can't do it alone.
And if you need a community like I mentioned above, we're here for you! Join us and start your Elefit lifestyle today. We would love to help you reach your fitness goals and stick with it for life.
Until next time, Be Elefit!
Coach Kelsie Wehren
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